Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Getting High

Hola from New York.
Well today was a pretty dreadful day.
But I managed to wake up early. Still wish it was thanksgiving break
and our next break won't be till Christmas break.
Speaking of christmas...last year literally and seriously got socks.
I wanted to kill my parents and was on the verge of doing so.
But this year i'm to another country for my christmas. No you nosy people won't know where.
Stalkers >.>;
So today I slept through my first thee periods. Two of my teachers were absent and I learned that my history teacher was hot. But old.
I'm going to marry my history teacher one day. Then kill him so nobody can have him.
But I still love Miss Death <3
I went to visit my old school today and I swear that everything is so tiny!
I felt like a giant, seriously.
Then when the kiddies came out, I exploded.
Now don't get me wrong, i'm no pedophile.
But something about little kiddies make my insides explode and it's so orrrrgassmic.
No, i'm not a pedo. I don't roll that way.
They're just so cute <3
So Connor, stfu. Calling me a les D:
Also, as my wifey said. I recently find myself using the males bathroom. I was curious.
One day I found myself just going in there and found out that it's a whole other world in there.
Now I go in there a lot that most males actually got used to me going there.
They consider me one of them now perhaps?
I love guys who look like girls and vice-versa
My next goal is to somehow get inside the Boys locker room and see how it is. I heard it's heaven.
Perhaps i'll post pics.
Ah well thats it for now, so I recommend to future readers, GO INSIDE THE OPPOSITE SEX BATHROOM.

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