Wednesday, December 30, 2009

La la la, la la la~

(Oops, I posted it without typing anything XD)

Seems wifey is now.. not here. D: I never did get a proper answer from her before she said she'd rarely be able to get on.

Mm, I had a very lovely Christmas. ^^ (it's ironic how lovely is my favourite word and the name Miyavi gave his baby girl, I was quite full of smiles because it just felt very ironic) Christmas eve we open one present. I received a shawl and pashmina scarf, both handmade. :3 The next time I see those guys, I might hug them, the ones who made it. XD That won't be until the craft fair in the city though next year.

In the morning, I got my camera, my Nabari DVD (second part, so now I own the complete anime series, the Japanese art book, and the first volume of it translated to English :'D I ish so happy), my Japanese cam corder with cool telescopic lense. Clothes, chocolates, Victorian magazines~. I also got my blue morpho didius butterflies, two in different types of frames. I love them so much. Oh, and a DS game. ^^

Why my mother asked if we got too little this year is beyond me. I love what I got. :3 Now all I want is a little crotchetted bunny to name Lenora, but the lady I want to buy it from has her shop closed until the 11th. How saddening, I really did wish to order that bunny.. >.< And my friend got the GazettE's newest album, DIM, for Christmas, limited edition version. *0*

I might just go take it from her. Because now I really want it. >.< I own two other Japanese CDs. :3 Kaya's Glitter album, limited addition, and Malice Mizer's de Merveilles with three discs. ^^

Have a Happy New Year~.

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